Hydro Power is Renewable and Clean Energy |
Kerala State experienced shortage of power due to increase in demand and stalemate in growth
generation capacity
The Kerala Government has allotted the following small hydro power projects to SSPML |
Palchuram Project
5.25 mw
Alamparathode Project
3.00 mw
Mukkuttathode Project
3.00 mw
11.25 mw |
All Projects are located at North Kerala
Hydrology Reveals Steady Rainfall
Minimal Forest Area Involved
Eligible for Subsidy and Carbon Credit
The projects have been allotted on BOOT basis for a period of 30 years
All are Run of River Projects
The power generated can be either sold to KSEB on the basis of power purchase agreement
or can be sold to others
Three Separate companies registered as implementation companies
Sree Kailas Palchuram Hydro Power Ltd
Sree Adisakthi Mukkuttathode Hydro Power Ltd
Jalashaayi Alamparathode Hydro Power Ltd
SSPML has control in the composition of the Board of Directors of the above companies and
SSPML will be in the position of Holding Company
The Present board of the SPV companies comprises the directors of SSPML
Project formulated at Palchuram stream
Palchuram stream is tributary of Bavelipuzha,
which is also a tributary to Valapattanam river.
The weir site is located in Tea-estate area.
Scheme being designed as a run-of-the the
river project, major geological problems
are not expected
Project formulated at Alamparathodu stream
Alamparathodu stream is tributary of Kuttiyadi
Head fall of about 200 meters
Absence of deforestation
An environmental friendly Project
Formulated to utilize the water flowing in the
stream Mukkuttuthodu
One of the tributaries of KUPPAM River
No dwelling houses need to be rehabilitate
Absence of deforestation
An environmental friendly Project